Zmęczenie i senność

When you come to Iceland, you are at risk of feeling jet lagged, sleepy and fatigued, especially if you come flying overnight from America. This condition can last a few days after you land so it’s important to be aware of this and take measures to counter this if you intend to drive in Iceland.

Before you drive

Make sure you get a good rest to minimize the risk of falling asleep at the wheel.

While driving

Make a stop at least every 100 km or so. Stretch your legs, walk around, get something to eat and have some coffee if you are feeling tired.

If there is more than one driver in the car, take turns driving and give each other a rest from driving in between.

Have the temperature in the car on the cold side. Too much warmth can make us sleepy.

Have the music in the car more upbeat than slow. It’s also a good idea to sing along if you know the words.

Passengers in the car must make sure that the driver isn’t the only person awake. Being the only one awake increases the risk of falling asleep.

Almost falling asleep?

If you find yourself closing your eyes while driving, you should find a safe spot by the side of the road and stop the car there. Take a nap for maybe 15 minutes to reenergize.